August 17, 2012

these are that day

“And how could we endure to live and let time pass
if we were always crying for one day or one year to come back
--if we did not know that every day in a life
fills the whole life with expectation and memory
and that these are that day?” 
|| C.S. LewisOut of the Silent Planet

Enjoying the last of our carefree summer days. Harvesting the garden. Preparing to begin a new school year. Sewing...lots of sewing! Celebrating birthdays. We often wonder when time will stand still long enough for us to soak it all in...every experience and emotion and memory. We are so very blessed.

August 6, 2012

pretty details

These past couple of weeks we've had weddings on the brain. Attending, sewing dresses, planning, baking cookies, diy projects, ordering shoes, photographing, booking tickets, admiring details... And in a greater effort to be more present in the moment, my poor camera has been sitting and collecting a layer of dust on top of my dresser. Whenever I've picked it up and blown the dust away, I've been mostly focusing on making imperfect short films of those precious, ordinary moments in my life with my family. Celebrating the everyday.

August 1, 2012

these are my favorites

We had a family reunion at a local county park this last weekend. The 89th annual Nelson-Ritchie reunion. It's always so good to visit with family [some whom we only see once or twice a year]. During a lull sometime in the day, I took the kiddos down to the water's edge. The wildflowers were so beautiful down there. Us older kids used to go swimming in that little lake almost every single day during the summers when we were growing up. We have so many good memories in that water...
And those kids are my very favorites.