July 23, 2012

how our garden grows

Earlier this spring we planted the largest garden that we've ever planted [which we admit isn't nearly as large as many gardens we know of, but it's quite big enough for us!]. We spent weeks preparing the soil in our backyard, marking rows, planting seeds, building a fence to keep the animals out, and constantly watering [and weeding...]...and we've been able to enjoy more and more of the fruit of our labor this week: lettuce, broccoli, cucumbers, zucchini, spinach, tomatoes, and green beans for a start! Although it's a whole lot of work, we love the beauty in the process of taking nothing but seeds and soil and making something pretty amazing that we can enjoy. And the simple joy of harvesting produce grown by our own hands never seems to get old. Our most favorite to watch grow are the pumpkins...Inspired by Farmer Boy [I've been reading it to the kiddos], we're even attempting a milk-fed one! :)

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