June 29, 2012

Savannah & Sophia

I've made it a priority this summer to photograph each of the kiddos on a regular basis...to document their personalities and jot down some of their favorite things...to remember them as they are right now. It's hard to capture the essence of a person in a single paragraph or series of photos, but oh well. It's a start! :)

I love these girls. Everyone loves these girls. As soon as you meet them, you love them straight away. They're incredibly beautiful, sweet souls and so grown-up, always so eager to help with whatever they can. And when they really do grow up, they want to be mommies and princesses. :) They're best friends and do absolutely everything together. They spend the majority of each day giggling, they can navigate an iPad better than I can, memorize Scripture faster than anyone in the family, love to help cook in the kitchen, and their favorite thing to do is swing on the giant swing in our backyard. I asked them what one thing they would like to do if they could do anything in the world...and they said they wanted to ride their bikes to Dairy Queen for ice cream and then come home and read Farmer Boy. :) Bicycles, ice cream, and old books? Girls after my own heart!

I sure do love you girlies. I'm so incredibly blessed by God to have two such little rays of sunshine and long golden hair and endless giggles in my life...

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