February 16, 2011

Snow day!

We rarely ever get to take a snow day around here.  Two feet or more of snow is nothing to us--local schools aren't even delayed!  But since it's been warming up and the snow has been melting, we thought we better take a day and enjoy it while we still can.  We had the Karpenko family--our dear friends of 10+ years--over for the morning//afternoon and enjoyed sledding, snowboarding, snowball fights, and hot cocoa... Nevermind that we had too few sleds and the snow was soooo wet, we had so much fun!
  The hill just across the road from our house.

Sophia and Jon {the twins' hero of the day}

 Matt and Sam

 Shiloh wasn't so sure about the whole "sled-riding" thing...

 This is what he looked like most of the time. He only went down the hill once, and that was more than enough for him!

 The tobaggon we're riding is over thirty years old...it seems to have gotten smaller over the years. But we all fit and I didn't even fall off! ;D

 Katie and Stef

Part of the group--the last ones left on the hill anyway. {Notice Shiloh's smile...he was so happy to be heading back to the house. ;D}


  1. WOW... To much fun!!! These pictures are memory making for sure!!! :D God bless you guys! :)

  2. Stef, love the snowheart! Too cute!

    Miss you,
    –Phil.1:27; 3:7-14
